The story revolves around two characters, a father and a son. The father is the main character of the film and has recently lost his wife in a car accident. He decides to move away with his son to escape a setting that reminds them of a troubled past. They find a house in the country, remote from their usual urban surroundings. The father and son move in and try to adjust to a more solitary life when bizarre events start to occur.
The electricity power to the house frequently cuts out, but upon investigation of the fuse board, there never seems to be a problem. The gramophone of the house repeatedly switches itself on and starts to play old 40s records. At night, the father hears footsteps and doors opening and closing, and suspects that someone is tampering with the house. The father starts to question his son, asking him why he’s trying to cause trouble, as he is the only plausible suspect. The son denies all accusations concerning tampering with the house.
One day the father wakes up to find his son missing from the house. He starts to search the woods surrounding the house, shouting out his son’s name in an attempt to find him. Panic ensues, as there’s few signs or traces of his son in the woods, and he starts to get lost as he moves deeper into the forest. The father starts to see shadows moving across the scenery and hears menacing sounds. The father sees one silhouette standing still in the distance and as he starts to move towards it, the silhouette starts to run away. In a mad rush to catch the enigmatic figure the father stumbles across his son crouching in a forest alcove. The son won’t answer his father as his father asks him why he ran away. From here onwards the son seems to be afraid of his own father.
One night the power cuts out again whilst the two are eating dinner. The father tells his son not to move whilst he finds a torch. Upon returning to the dinner table his shines the torch light at his sons seat but his son is missing. The house starts to make menacing sounds again, and the father cautiously searches the premises. Entering the kitchen he finds all the draws open and several kitchen knives lying around the countertops. Moving over to the gramophone playing he stares at it to hear his son from behind him say ‘I’m scared’. The father quickly turns and shines the torch at his son to reveal the boy standing there with phantom/demon like features. Panicking, the dad drops the torch, scrambling to pick it back up and shines the torch back at his son standing right next to him now but now in a normal state. The lights flicker back on, but from here onwards the father starts to suspect that his son his possessed or evil.
The father visits the local church to consult a priest about his troubled thoughts. The priest, unaware that someone has moved into the community, asks where the two have moved in residence. After telling the priest what address they moved into, the priest starts to panic and orders him to leave his parish and never return to the village area again, and even to leave his son behind. From these words the father determines that his son is the problem, and not the house.
One night the son and father are in bed and the son, trying to get to sleep starts to get tormented by the house. Menacing voices tell him to ‘hide or kill’. Shadows start to creep up the wall of his bedroom and the window starts to open by itself as the voices get louder. Staring at the window petrified, the boy then glances back at his wall as he hears the sound of carving to see the word ‘Hide or Kill’ carved in large capitals on his bedroom wall. The boy jumps out of his bed and runs to his father’s room. He steadily opens the door, walks in and stands at the foot of his dad’s bed. He gets his dad to wake up by pushing at his ankles. The dad wakes up in a daze and turns on the lamp to see the walls of his room carved repeatedly with the words ‘I’ll bury you’. The father panics and yells at his son, screaming and cursing, telling him to get out. The son, frightened, runs out of the room and hides in the living room. The father grabs an axe from underneath his bed and creeps out of his room. He turns round the corner to see his son crouching in the corner. The father moves towards his son and sees him scared and nervous. The dad apologises and stretches out one hand to lift his son, but as the son looks up at the dad his face turns demon like once again. Panicking, the father swings his axe at his son, missing narrowly.
The father continues to hunt his son in the house with his axe whilst his son tries to find a means to escape. The sun currently sees his father as a terrible haunting figure as he chases him relentlessly until the boy is crawling on all fours outside the entrance of the house. Just as the father is about to take a swing and kills his son, the priest arrives just in time and shoots the father with a hunting rifle. The priest then takes the boy and puts him in his car to drive away from the house. The son looks out the back windscreen to watch the house disappear over the horizon. The priest tells the boy it will all be alright now, as the son sits forward and looks up at the priest with the same demon features.
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